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Net-0 scenarios and how to get them right by International Network of Energy Transition Think Tanks
Energy Transition in practice: insights by International Network of Energy Transition Think Tanks
CEM12: Governments and international think tanks on features of net-zero scenarios
The Energy Transition: Geopolitics and Power Dynamics
Reaching net zero: scenarios and regulation to rethink sector coupling
Scenarios for net zero: The case of UK Future Energy Scenarios - a webinar by Oxford Net Zero
How Best to Utilize Existing Energy Infrastructure in A Net Zero Future
Assessing the Path to Net Zero by 2050 | Climate Action | Carbon Emissions | @g20SouthAfrica25 |
Sustainability and transition to a net zero carbon future in the Heavy Machinery & Shipping Industry
Oil and Gas in a Net-Zero World
Fast Thinking: Rapid response to the Leaders Summit on Climate
Getting to Zero: can America transition to a net-zero emissions energy system?